When it comes to Kids ministries, our primary cry is for them to experience God’s love. Not just learning about God for the sake of it but to experience how God wants to walk with them, to hear from them and be a Father, be a friend.
‘May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.’ - Ephesians 3:19 (NLT)
We want to see the fruits of Jesus’s love in our kids. The question in our hearts is what does it look like to see kids overflowing with love, joy, and peace? How could a family be transformed through the simple faith of a child?
‘But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!’ - Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)

Community Outreach
Part of our heart is to go out into the community, meeting kids and families where they are. We regularly run family community events for our local area, Moneyreagh and beyond.

The church should bring Joy to its community. And kids are full of joy. What better way to transform a community than releasing the joy already waiting and ready to be discovered in a child?
Moneyreagh Kids Club is our favourite kids outreach ministry. Each Friday evening we run a busy kids club, doing everything from sports, games, crafts, science experiments and water fights! Its always a bit crazy, but we love being able to provide this fun yet safe space for so many local kids.
Kids Church is our Sunday morning kids program. Our focus is learning about and encountering God together. We try to create this atmosphere through weekly rhythms consisting of bible stories, visual object lessons, interactive prayer activities and discussion times.
Our Kids + Youth team regularly works in many local schools; bringing the good news of the gospel in an age appropriate way, and teaching about young people’s worth and identity.
We believe in reaching the lost and the sick, as Jesus taught, by going into the world of children today: their schools.

The Church is a family. And we’re all about our families! Whether you’re part of the church or come along to the clubs, we’re here to support your whole family.