People have wrestled with questions about Jesus down through the ages. They have called him a political revolutionary, a religious guru, a mystic, a faith healer, a hypnotist, an occultist, a magician, even an alien! Jesus is the person at the centre of Christianity – but who was he?

Historically, Jesus was a Jew who lived 2000 years ago in northern Israel. He was the son of a carpenter. He never became a powerful ruler. He never led an army. He was a radical of his day but not merely a rebel. His wisdom has transcended the generations, but he was more than a sage. He was unconcerned with celebrity yet there is no figure more discussed or quoted in human history than Jesus and today, millions of people all around the world worship and follow him. 


The Gospels – which are books in the Bible written by men who lived at the same time as Jesus – clearly teach that Jesus was no ordinary man, but was in fact God in human form. The Gospel writers wanted their readers to understand that coming to know this Jesus was the ultimate life–changing experience.

Jesus’ mission was to give up his life as a sacrifice for our fallen humanity. He died young – in a brutal way – nailed to a cross. But after his death, Jesus was brought to life again. He was raised into heaven and is alive today. He gives new life to all who will believe in and follow him. To believe in Jesus is not about philosophical insight or about stepping up to some higher moral ground. Instead, Jesus offers each of us a living relationship that brings us a freedom – through forgiveness – to live the life that we are created to live. 

Through this dynamic relationship, our lives are turned the right way up and we are given a new perspective and sense of purpose for our day–to–day living. Today, twenty–one centuries after his death, millions of people across the world call themselves Christians – followers of Jesus Christ. 

Jesus said: “I have come to bring you life and life to the full” and that offer of Jesus is open to all of us, today! Becoming a Christian is simply to recognise our need of God’s transforming love and forgiveness for our sins and then being willing to follow Jesus – trusting Him with our lives.

Find out more

If you want to find out more about Jesus, we offer Alpha courses from time to time. This is a series of informal talks about the Christian faith around a meal and discussion. It is ideal for anyone who has questions about the meaning of life or the Christian faith and wants to both gain understanding and ask questions in a relaxed environment.

Click here to view an Alpha talk entitled, ‘Who is Jesus?’

You are welcome to come along to any of our church services where you can learn more about Jesus and meet people who have discovered that the living Jesus really does transform our lives.