Purpose / the reason for which something exists


Seeking to encounter God’s tangible presence through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Developing a community and culture of abiding in and remaining with Jesus through God’s word, worship and prayer.

Encountering God

Encountering each other

Encountering the community


Continuously turning our whole lives to Him in repentance and trusting in the death and resurrection of Jesus on the cross.

Seeking God’s Kingdom through His forgiveness and mercy and not our own strength, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.


Pursuing to be deeply formed (sanctified) by the power of the Holy Spirit through practicing the way of Jesus so that we may be formed into his image.

We seek this in our own lives and in our Church community through spiritual practices (scripture, prayer, fasting etc.) life groups and other discipleship resources.


Pursuing to live sacrificial lives to see the Kingdom come and renew our streets, the local community and the world around us.

Blessing and meeting the needs of those around us through prioritising outreach, hospitality, generosity, advocacy, compassion and Justice.

All for the glory of God